Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Smart Resource for Smart Litigators · Robert Ambrogi's LawSites

Robert Ambrogi reviews an new ALM product for attorneys practicing in New York State:

Legal media company ALM has rather quietly launched a new Web resource for litigators, Smart Litigator. The site is intended for litigators in New York state but will become the template for the eventual roll-out of similar sites in other states where ALM has offices.

Monday, November 15, 2010

AALL Webinar: What Law Firm Administrators Want Librarians to Know

AALL has announced the following webinar, which may be of interest to ALLUNY members (and others).

AALL Webinar: What Law Firm Administrators Want Librarians to Know
December 8, 2010 - 11:00am central 12:00pm/eastern

Librarians often discuss what firm management should know about the library, but do we know all we should about what it takes to manage our firms? Over the next several months, PLL members will moderate a series of five programs to provide a primer in law firm management from the view point of firm managers and administrators. How do they spend their time? What are the major challenges of their jobs? What keeps them up at night?

This series is part of a two year program undertaken by the Private Law Library Special Interest Section (PLL-SIS) of AALL. The goal is to identify significant changes taking place in the legal world, to understand how these changes provide opportunities for assuming leadership roles, and to develop concrete plans for librarians to become leaders within their organizations (Note: although the speakers are from an IP firm, they will be addressing issues applicable to firms of all types and sizes).

  • Robert Burger, Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C
  • Thomas Annick, Director of Finance/Chief Financial Officer of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
  • Joan Axelroth, President, Axelroth & Associates


Please contact Joan Axelroth at jaxelroth@axelroth.com or Celeste Smith at csmith@aall.org for more information.