Thursday, August 10, 2017

Read all about it! ALLUNY Newsletter Summer 2017

The summer 2017 ALLUNY newsletter has been published and can be accessed here:

Please be sure to click on the ‘Full Screen’ option (circled in red in screenshot below) to view the newsletter in full-screen mode.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Easier routes to open access

"How a Browser Extension Could Shake Up Academic Publishing" by Lindsay McKenzie (Chronicle of Higher Education, April 06, 2017) notes two different tools that make it easier to find if an article is freely available.
  • Unpaywall is a browser extension that provides info about and links to free versions when you browse to an article behind a paywall;
  • Open Access Button is database (also with browser extension) that searches by title, citation, DOI, etc. across multiple sources for freely accessible versions.
Both projects are "open-source, nonprofit, and dedicated to improving access to scholarly research."

Monday, February 13, 2017

Constitutional Convention may get a push later in the year

 Re: 2016 ALLUNY annual meeting presentation

riday, November 04 2016 @ 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
A Constitutional Convention for New York: What’s It All About?
Presenters: Henrik (Hank) N. Dullea, Vice President for University Relations,
Cornell University (Retired), Director of State Operations and Policy
Management for New York (Retired)
New York State’s Constitution requires a statewide referendum every
twenty years on whether to convene a state constitutional convention. On
November 7, 2017, voters will decide whether a convention will take
place the following April.
Sponsored by Thomson Reuters.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Winter 2016 ALLUNY Newsletter

The 2016 winter edition of the ALLUNY Newsletter is now available on our website:

Features in this article include:
  • Updates in a message from ALLUNY President, Amy Emerson 
  • A book review by Olli S. Baker of Robert L. Haig’s treatise Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts 
  • Continuing column: I digress… by Elaine Knecht 
  • WNY presentation alert submitted by Andrew Kloc 
  • Committee Reports, meeting minutes, and photos from the 62nd ALLUNY Annual Meeting 
Cheers to editor Margaret Jane Ambrose, photographer Charlotte Schneider, and all contributors!

Why Sole Provider Isn't Really A Thing and I'm Not Going to Say It Any More